Friday, 4 November 2011

33 new titles have been added to the Law module of Oxford Scholarship Online. All titles can be found via the library catalogue, or you can go directly to OSO.

The new titles are as follows:
* The evolution of the European Convention on Human Rights : from its inception to the creation of a permanent court of human rights / Ed Bates                                                        
* European and international media law : liberal democracy, trade, and the new media / Perry Keller.
* The boundaries of the criminal law / edited by R.A. Duff et al
* The Lisbon Treaty : law, politics, and treaty reform / Paul Craig.                                                
* Law and the culture of Israel / Menachem Mautner.                                                       
* The legal protection of human rights : sceptical essays / edited by Tom Campbell, K.D. Ewing and Adam Tomkins
* Piracy and armed robbery at sea : the legal framework for counter-piracy operations in Somalia and the Gulf
* International humanitarian law and international human rights law : pas de deux / edited by Orna Ben-Naftali
* What is criminology? / edited by Mary Bosworth and Carolyn Hoyle.
* The law of treaties beyond the Vienna Convention / edited by Enzo Cannizzaro
* Participation in EU rule-making : a rights-based approach / Joana Mendes.
* A distinct judicial power : the origins of an independent judiciary, 1606-1787 / Scott Douglas Gerber.
* Blame it on the WTO? : a human rights critique / Sarah Joseph.
* Philosophical foundations of language in the law / eds Andrei A. Marmor, Scott Soames.
* The Nuremberg military tribunals and the origins of international criminal law / Kevin Jon Heller.
* The legacy of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia / edited by Bert Swart,
* Interpreting the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty / Daniel H. Joyner.
* Engineering equality : an essay on European anti-discrimination law / Alexander Somek.
* The idea of labour law / eds, Guy Davidov & Brian Langille.
* State responsibility for international terrorism : problems and prospects / Kimberley N. Trapp.
* Compensation and restitution in investor-state arbitration : principles and practice / by Borzu Sabahi.
* The making of international criminal justice : a view from the bench : selected speeches / Theodor Meron.
* Extraterritorial application of human rights treaties : law, principles and policy / Marko Milanovic.
* EU external relations law / Piet Eeckhout.
* Crime, punishment, and responsibility : the jurisprudence of Antony Duff / edited by Rowan Cruft, Matthew H. Kramer, Mark R. Reiff.
* The European Court of Human Rights between law and politics / edited by Jonas Christoffersen and Mikael Rask Madsen.
* Law and religion in Europe : a comparative introduction / Norman Doe.
* The Optional Protocol to the UN Convention Against Torture / Rachel Murray ... [et al.].
* Collected essays. Volumes 1 to 5 / John Finnis.

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