Thursday, 13 November 2014

Crime data on the UK Data Service

About 5 years ago I blogged about the availability of crime data on ESDS, the predecessor to the UK Data Service. Having 'attended' a webinar run by UKDS this week, I thought that a follow-up post wouldn't go amiss.

A wide range of datasets are available via the UKDS, but most pertinent to students studying law or criminology are those grouped together under the Crime and Social Control heading. As the UKDS web site states, 
Crime-related data held by the UK Data Service include not only national crime surveys (which themselves cover diverse issues such as identity theft and alcohol-related disorder in the night-time economy) but also illegal drug use, workers in the criminal justice system, football hooliganism and community policing in Africa.
To access data, staff and students will first need to login. Some datasets require additional registration. Information on how to do this is provided on the site.

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