Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Judge Rinder - guilty pleasure?

Billed as the UK's answer to Judge Judy is Judge Rinder.  
Judge Rinder arbitrates on disputes of the type which would typically be seen in a small claims court. The first series was broadcast in August & September, and a second series has been commissioned.

I didn't catch any of the episodes, but Robert Rinder (a barrister at 2 Hare Court) was interviewed on the most recent episode of Law in Action, where he suggested that the programme has become the guilty pleasure for a number of those in the legal profession.

A useful insight into the workings of the law, or daytime TV fodder? 
If you're a member of Birkbeck, you can decide for yourself by watching past episodes online via Box of Broadcasts National (BoB National), a resource to which the library has recently subscribed. 

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