Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Conference - Forbidden Books: Censoring Books and Archives

Jointly organised by the Institute of English Studies, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies & Senate House Library, Forbidden Books: Censoring Books & Archives will take place on 6-7 November. 
Its aim is to explore "how published works and archival materials and the ideas contained in them are affected, obscured or distorted by censorship".

Interesting looking sessions from a law perspective include: 
Ronan Cormacain, “Deliberate Inaccessibility of Legislation”
Lawrence McNamara, “Closed Judgments in Terrorism and Security Cases: What Becomes of Them?”
Martin Goodman, “The Obscenity Trials of 1954-60 – a 60th Anniversary Perspective”

The standard conference rate is £60, with a reduced rate of £35 for students. 

Information on the full programme, and online registration details can be found at: http://www.ies.sas.ac.uk/ies-conferences/ForbiddenAccess 

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