Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Law in Action - interview with governor of HMP Edinburgh

I've previously flagged up Law in Action, and it's worth subscribing to podcasts from the series. 

Rather belatedly I've recently listened to the last episode from the most recent series entitled 'Joshua Goes to Prison' in which the presenter, Joshua Rozenburg visits Edinburgh Prison and speaks to the governor, Caroline Johnston about how she and her staff are managing the challenges of operating a prison in the 21st century. The prison is involved in some interesting initiatives, including employing a Throughcare Support Officer, a prison officer who works both inside and outside the prison itself. The officer's sole purpose is to work with short-term prisoners in the run up to release and focus on helping with issues relating to areas such as housing, employment prospects and addiction support. The officer then remains in contact post-release and continues to offer support.

Definitely worth a listen if you're a criminology student, and/or are interested in the penal system.

NB If you're a Birkbeck student, or member of staff and are reading this post after the episode has disappeared from BBC iplayer, then you can listen via our subscription to Box of Broadcasts National 

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