Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Ways of seeing law: What can art history tell lawyers about their discipline? The Coffin Annual Memorial Lecture 2017 at The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies

The Coffin Annual Memorial Lecture 2017

Title: Ways of seeing law: What can art history tell lawyers about their discipline?

Date:  24 Apr 2017, 17:30  19:30

Venue:  Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR

Speaker: Professor Linda Mulcahy, Department of Law, London School of Economics

Chair: Professor Michelle O’Malley, Professor of the History of Art and Deputy Director, The Warburg Institute

Host: Professor Diamond Ashiagbor, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies

Lawyers love the word.  When we teach our students it is primarily through the lens of written judgments and textual analysis.  Engagements between law and  art tend to focus  on the ways in which authoritative legal texts facilitate the commodification of creativity or seek to impose discipline on the sensual realm.  This paper will focus on the implications of us moving beyond the law of art to the more complex territory of law and art.  In doing so it will explore the value of the image as a source of information about law and legal phenomena which is otherwise lacking or marginalised in the legal canon.

About the speaker:
Professor Mulcahy is professor of law at London School of Economics, where she is also the first Director of the LSE’s new PhD Academy. She is co-director of a Leverhulme Trust research project grant on 'Design and due process: facilitating participation in the justice system’ on the recent history of court design, in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and with architect Emma Rowden; and of an Arts and Humanities Research Council Collaborative Doctoral Award on oral history and legal biography, held in partnership with the British Library. Having gained qualifications in law, sociology and the history of art and architecture, Linda’s work has a strong interdisciplinary flavour. Her research focuses on disputes and their resolution and she has studied the socio-legal dynamics of disputes in a number of contexts including the car distribution industry, NHS, divorce, public sector complaints systems and judicial review. Her work often has an empirical focus and she has received a number of grants from the ESRC, AHRC, Department of Health, Nuffield Foundation and Lotteries Fund in support of her work.

This event will be followed by a reception

How to book: This event is free but those wishing to attend are asked to book in advance. Please book via the event page at:

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