Monday, 1 July 2013

Legal Education & Training Review Report published

LETR logo

The Legal Education & Training Review (LETR) began work in June 2011, with the aim of being the most substantial review in this area since the 'Ormrod Report' published in 1971. One of the main aims of the review was to ensure that the education and training provided continue to be fit for the future in which legal professionals will operate.

The Review was jointly undertaken by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), the Bar Standards Board (BSB) and the Institute of Legal Executives Professional Standards (IPS). The final report was delivered last week. 

It is now up to the regulatory bodies to decide how to respond to the recommendations set out in the report. The full text of the report (including a useful executive summary for those of you who are time poor) can be found on the LETR web site, as can the initial responses of the professional bodies.

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