Tuesday, 18 June 2013

New Law titles on Oxford Scholarship Online

Screen shot of Oxford Scholarship front page34 titles have been added to Oxford Scholarship Online as part of its latest update, and these are also now available via Birkbeck's library catalogue
The latest update means that there are over 900 ebooks within the Law module of OSO, making it an increasingly valuable resource. There is also material of interest to those studying Law in the Philosophy and Politics modules, to which the library also subscribes.

Particularly interesting looking new titles include:
*Prevention and the Limits of the Criminal Law by Andrew Ashworth, Lucia Zedner, and Patrick Tomlin
*Morality, Authority, and Law: Essays in Second-Personal Ethics I by Stephen Darwall
*The Globalization of Health Care: Legal and Ethical Issues by I. Glenn Cohen
*America's War on Terror: The State of the 9/11 Exception from Bush to Obama by Jason Ralph

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