Monday, 1 June 2009

Westlaw UK - Current Awareness

Westlaw UK have just announced that their Current Awareness content will now be updated every 15 minutes between 8am - 6pm during the working week. To access this content, select the Current Awareness heading from the home page of Westlaw UK. It is possible to search across content using keywords, or browse by subject to find information of particular relevance to you.

The Westlaw release provides a re-cap of what is included:
*The most important cases selected by case specialists
*Today’s legislation (Acts, Bills, and Statutory Instruments from all UK jurisdictions)
*Official material and government publications, including consultation documents, green papers, white papers, reports and press releases
*Key developments from over 450 leading Legal Journals
*European case law, legislation, press releases and information
*Non-governmental publications of legal significance e.g. guidance published by professional bodies
*Articles of legal and regulatory significance from the leading UK broadsheet newspapers

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