Wednesday, 24 June 2009

International Criminal Court - electronic library

The ICC has recently introduced Legal Tools, an online library which brings together approximately 40,000 documents providing information on topics such as war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

Key documents covered include:
ICC Documents - the repository of basic legal documents and decisions of the ICC International
Legal Instruments
- these contain the full text of key international treaties in public international law, international human rights, international humanitarian law, and international criminal law.
International Legal Instruments - consist of basic legal texts, background information and selected judgments from courts such as the International Military Tribunals at Nuremberg and Tokyo, the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the Iraqi High Tribunal.
Further information on what is covered by Legal Tools is available in Overview.

To search across the documents you'll need to agree to a lengthy list of terms and conditions. Once in the Tools I'd recommend selecting the Advanced Search as this allows you to specify areas such as date, language, case details and type & location of court. Documents generated by the Court are available in full, but it's worth pointing out that searching by document type 'News' or 'Academic Writing' often returns results with bibliographic details only - further research is needed to get hold of the full-text.

With thanks to Maria Bell, LSE Library for highlighting this resource.

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