Thursday, 19 April 2018

Podcast - Caught: The Lives of Juvenile Justice

Caught logo, teenager reading a book in his cell

Caught, a WNYC Studio podcast is 9 episodes in, and has already covered a range of topics around child imprisonment in the US.

The associated web site provides some context:
America incarcerates more people than any country in the world. It starts with kids. On any given night, roughly 53,000 young people are in some form of lockup. Nearly 60 percent are black or Latino. We all make dumb mistakes in our youth. But for these kids, those same destructive choices have a lasting impact.
Caught: The Lives of Juvenile Justice tells the stories of young lives forever changed by collisions with law and order. We’ll also hear from their parents, guards, counselors and judges, who hold the power, but whose hands are often tied by laws that ultimately fail our children.
A difficult but enlightening listen about the impact imprisonment has on children, as well as an exploration of alternative interventions.

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