Monday, 6 March 2017

How to get a PhD in Law - National Research Training Day at IALS

I've been sent this email, and thought that it may be of interest to PhD students:

On Friday 17 March 2017 the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies will be hosting one of its popular “How to get a PhD in Law” training days called Meeting the Key Challenges. This specially tailored day of presentations, library tours and networking opportunities is aimed at students enrolled for an MPhil / PhD in Law from across the UK. Sessions include:

·         The challenges of researching a PhD in law: where to start?
·         The PhD in law in the digital world
·         Handling the supervision relationship
·         Panel discussion.
·         IALS Global Law Library: making the most of our electronic resources
·         Free law e-resources available from IALS including the BAILII gateway

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