Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Crossing Continents podcasts

If you're interested in the human angle of international affairs, then the BBC Radio 4 programme Crossing Continents may be of interest. The range of the series both in terms of subject matter and geographical scope is wide, with many of the episodes addressing human rights concerns.

I've recently listened to A Mediterranean Rescue, where reporters talked to some of the migrants pulled off unseaworthy boats as they sought to make the crossing to Europe, and 'Police State' Portugal which focused on an incident in the Cova de Moura suburb of Lisbon where a group of young black men alleged that police beat and racially abused them. Residents, mostly from immigrant backgrounds say that such police behaviour is common place and the episode investigates this claim.

At around half an hour an episode, these are a relatively quick way of keeping abreast of current affairs.

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