Thursday, 21 May 2015

House of Commons Research Briefing - A British Bill of Rights?

Image of print Human Rights Act front page
For those of you interested in the proposed repeal of the Human Rights Act - and I suspect that this covers the majority of those who follow this blog, the Research Briefing from the House of Commons Library (published 19th May) entitled 'A British Bill of Rights?' provides some useful context to the current situation. 

As the authors outline in their summary:
This note provides a brief introduction to the Human Rights Act 1998; the European Convention on Human Rights and the work of the European Court of Human Rights.  It considers the impact of both the 1998 Act and the Convention on the sovereignty of the UK Parliament; examining the vexed question of prisoner voting; as well as wider moves to reform the Convention system during the 2010-15 Parliament. These included the establishment of a Commission on a Bill of Rights and the ‘Brighton Declaration’ which was agreed during the UK’s Presidency of the Council of Europe in 2012. 
The note ends by assessing the potential challenges to the repeal of the Human Rights Act, such as the impact on the devolution settlement and the consequences for the UK’s continued membership of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Council of Europe.  There has been strong opposition to any move to repeal the Human Rights Act and leave the Convention from the Scottish Government.

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