Monday, 5 January 2015

Oxford Law Vox - new podcast series from Oxford University Press

Oxford Law Vox, a new monthly podcast "introduces leading experts from a wide variety of disciplines to discuss significant aspects of their respective fields in a series of accessible and stimulating discourses".

Kicking off the series is Mary Bosworth, Reader in Criminology at the University of Oxford, Professor of Criminology at Monash University. Author of ‘Inside Immigration Detention'. She talks about her research on immigration detention centres.

I've had a listen, and it's an informative piece, well worth half an hour of your time if you're interested in this area of research.

Further information about the podcast, provided by OUP, is below:
In this podcast Mary outlines her research journey, methods, and the challenges she faced. Mary outlines the number, scale, location, and growth of detention centres in the UK and discusses the political climate surrounding the recent increased use of immigration detention as well as the circumstances under which an individual might find themselves in a detention facility.
Mary discusses the similarities and differences between modern immigration facilities and the prison service, as well as highlighting inconsistencies in the capturing and housing of detainees and the lack of an established ‘straightforward’ route to detention or release. She calls into question the fact that there is no statutory upper limit to periods of detainment and the psychological impact of this on detainees, leading her to call for more discussion of the purpose, processes, aspirations, and current failings of immigration detention centres.

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