Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Lexis and Westlaw on Twitter

Lexis and Westlaw both have Twitter feeds, providing a quick way of keeping up-to-date with the latest legal developments.
LexisWeb is mainly dedicated to providing links to recently decided cases whilst Westlaw provides information on the latest cases, legislation and journal articles, as well as pointing to items of general legal interest.

To follow, sign up at:


Anonymous said...

For information, Lexis have tweeted to highlight their other Twitter feeds which include - @LexisNexisUK @lawcampus @HalsburysLaws @HalsburysStats @Cases_LexisUK

John Lawer said...

But the copyright notice of Lexisweb is of 2008. Is LexisWeb stil working?

Wendy said...

Yes John. I've just gone to the page and there is a tweet on there from 3 hours ago.