Thursday, 30 July 2009

Company Law Forum

Aimed primarily at those in practice, Company Law Forum also includes information of interest to law students. It's run by LexisNexis Butterworths so includes plugs for their products, and some content (notably the Webinars) is charged for. However, if you can live with this, the site is an effective way to find out more on recent changes and developments.
Sections of note include:
News - the main feature is a blog, which is updated regularly.
Cases - as you might expect, includes summaries of recently reported cases.
Opinion - registered users can post questions and other users then respond with comments / helpful advice.
Forum - houses discussion boards on a variety of topics, such as corporate governance and directors' duties.

To participate in the forum and add comments to blog postings you need to register, but there is plenty of information available for those who just want to browse the site.

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