Saturday, 4 April 2009

Law ebooks via Oxford Scholarship Online

We've recently boosted our ebook collection by subscribing to the Law module of Oxford Scholarship Online. It includes nearly 120 books, and it is possible to search by keyword across the whole collection as well as to browse individual titles.

The collection is available via our Database page. All books also have records on the library catalogue. If you find a title whilst searching the catalogue, within the full book record select 'Click here to access ebook', enter your IT Services username and password and the book will display in full.

The module has particularly good coverage of international law, criminology and human rights, but does also include material on constitutional & administrative, EU & company law too, so do take a look.

We'll be monitoring use of the ebooks, and if they prove popular will investigate expanding our ebook provision for law where titles are available in this format.

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