Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Looking for trustworthy web sites? Try Intute.

Intute, in its own words is a:
"free online service providing access to the very best web resources for education and research. All material is evaluated and selected by a network of subject specialists to create the Intute database."

The project started life in 1993, and I've been using it for a number of years to look for web sites on a variety of topics. It's reassuring to know that there is an element of quality control, with resources being looked at before being included on the web site.

It is possible to search across all academic disciplines, or just for law resources (select Law from the Browse menu on the front page). The Advanced Search option is particularly useful if you wish to limit your search by Resource Type, so you can specify that you just search Government Publications or Practice Guidelines for example.

If you're reading this and already use Intute, you may like to fill out their user survey which is running throughout March. It's only a page long, and gives you the chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

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