Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Corporate Law & Governance blog

Written by Robert Goddard of Aston Business School, Corporate Law & Governance is primarily used to support the courses on which he teaches. However, the content will be of interest to students studying this subject in other institutions. Robert posts regularly, highlighting important developments. He also links to other relevant blogs, Company Act 2006 material and much more.

I'm currently on the look out for blogs which cover other areas of law and will post as and when I find anything of interest. If you're reading this and would like to recommend a blog for inclusion then please get in touch / add a comment.


Anonymous said...

For intellectual property:

For Scots law news:

Wendy said...

Thanks very much for these suggestions.

For anyone who fancies a look, the IP blog is authored by a mix of academics and Patent / Trade Mark attornies. Posts are made on a more or less daily basis. There is a lot of material on here as the blog was started in 2003.

Scots Law News is a current awareness service based at the University of Edinburgh. One useful feature is the ability to search all content by keyword.