Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Open Law project

Some of you may know that the British and Irish Legal Information Institute provides free access to transcripts of cases heard over the last 12 years by the High Court, Court of Appeal and House of Lords. You may not, however, have heard about the Open Law project.

This project '
seeks to identify leading cases from the past and to make these freely and openly available on the internet to support legal education'.

Subjects covered on the BAILII web site include Contract, Tort, Criminal and Property law. Each subject contains approximately 200 - 300 key cases ranging from the C19th to recent decisions.
In addition to providing access to case law, the project also links to more than 200 older Law Commission Reports and over 150 Consultation Papers dating from the 1960s onwards. In the past older reports have not been available online so this is a very useful development.

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